Yoga is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind

~ Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodhah, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 1.2

The Modified Yogi

Yoga is the ultimate expression of patience and peace. It is referred to as a practice because we are always striving to find that patience and peace; it comes in many forms. Coming to our mat we release all that weighs us down, in our mind and on our hearts by moving our bodies in ways that free us. Yoga literally and figuratively helps us find our balance. Each pose allows our body to release and wring out all that ails us. It restores our inner and outer peace. It guides us to be present and quiet our mind. Yoga has always been a part of my life and now I get to share my practice with my students and explore the depths of our souls and what we are all here for.

Are you looking for an intense workout? Want to leave class dripping in sweat? Well….then, perhaps my classes might not be for you. Will your mind get a good workout? Will you feel free and relaxed? Absolutely! My classes are designed to gently warm your body and open your mind with plenty of twists and turns along the way. I am known for offering a number of modifications that will meet you wherever you might be. Get ready for a nice stretch for the body and the soul.

Class Descriptions

Get up and Flow - Jump start your week with this easy Vinyasa flow class. You won’t regret it! We will salute the Sun and feel the warmth. All levels. 60 mins. Offered Mondays at 9am

Zen at 10 - Stretch your body and your soul in this Yin practice that will leave you feeling open and maybe even a bit taller. All levels. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 strap, 1 blanket or beach towel. 60 mins. Offered Tuesdays at 10am

Go with the Flow - Each week this class will change format. Yin one week, Vinyasa Flow the next and it will always be a surprise. Great opportunity to try different types of Yoga and broaden your practice. 45 mins. Offered 2x a month on Friday, check the calendar on the home page.

Restore and Reset - If you haven’t taken a Restorative Yoga class you are missing out! It’s like a structured nap only better. Poses are held for a bit longer so that you can really sink into them. And all postures are supported with props. No props? No Problem! Grab some pillows and blankets and I’ll show you how to fashion them into your support system. This 75 minute class will conclude with a nice, sweet, meditation to bring you into the next week. Restore and Relax is offered the last Sunday of the month.

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Beach side deck Yoga coming very, very soon! (Spring, Summer, Fall)

New Yogis Workshop

Curious about Yoga? Not sure where to start? Start here! Whether you’ve never practiced before, or you are a beginner, or you want to deepen your knowledge of why you need Yoga in your life, this workshop is for you. For 4 weeks we will breakdown and demystify the 8 limbs of Yoga and set a foundation for your practice. Bring an open mind and an open heart. We all fall down sometimes but this workshop will help you find your balance. Each class will include 15 minutes of discussion at the beginning and end of class and a 60 minute practice. 4 weeks, $50- Saturdays 9am (recordings will be made available) starting in April 2021


Create a home studio and take class as a family

We are all spending more time at home and we miss our time in the studio. Create your own “home studio” by designating an area for peace and tranquility with all of your favorite things. Invite your family or roommates to practice with you and find your own yoga community in the comfort of your home.


Private Yoga and Mediation

Zoom rooms and studios can be intimidating, especially for new Yogis. I’m happy to meet you in your private studio (virtually for now) to meet your comfort level. Or, if there’s something specific you want to work on we can work 1:1 to get you there. Connect with me for more details.

For more information about the Mandala pictured here check out Bliss Mandalas

Take a Class

All classes are virtual for now and your first class is always free! The most important thing to me is that you find a practice and a teacher that works for you. Classes are $10 each or $40 a month unlimited with access to video recordings of classes you miss and archives on the Yoga with Cristina YouTube Channel.

Forms of payment include:

Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, and Paying it forward

Click the link below to request the Zoom Room link.